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Kareena Kapoor Khan’s  troubles increased after she used the word “Bible” in her book 

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is currently in the news for one of her books. A notice has been issued to Kareena Kapoor Khan by the High Court. Kareena Kapoor Khan’s book “Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible” came out in the session 2021, in which she has used the word Bible, due to which it is being alleged that the actress has hurt the sentiments of Christianity by using the word Bible.

Kareena Kapoor Khan’s troubles have increased a lot. A notice has been issued by the court against Kareena Kapoor Khan and a petition has been filed in the court. A lawyer has filed this petition against Kareena Kapoor Khan regarding the book and said that by using the word Bible in the book, she has hurt the sentiments of Christianity. A notice has been sent to Kareena Kapoor Khan by the High Court. All these problems have arisen regarding the title of the book.  Allegations are being made regarding the title of the book “Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible” that the religious sentiments of the Christian community have been hurt.

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has been accused of using the word Bible in the book to gain popularity, due to which she has received a notice from the court. A petition has been filed against Kareena Kapoor Khan in which it has been alleged that the actress has done all this to gain popularity. At the same time, a ban has been demanded on the book and allegations have also been made on the seller of the book. A notice has also been sent to the seller of the book.

Kareena Kapoor Khan’s troubles are increasing. Kareena Kapoor Khan may have to visit the court due to the book Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible, which came in the year 2021. Kareena Kapoor Khan is caught in the clutches of law. The actress has used the word Bible in her book, due to which allegations are being made against her. A notice has been sent to the actress by the court. A notice has been issued by the court against the actress and it is clearly written in the petition.  The actress has hurt the religious sentiments of the Christian community by using the word Bible in the book.

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